December 31, 2017
All Things New
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Revelation 21:1-6a
All Things New
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Revelation 21:1-6a
December 24, 2017
The Worthiness of Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 5:1-14
The Worthiness of Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 5:1-14
December 19, 2017
Memorial Service for Regina Dapolito
Teacher: Ross Durham
John 11:20-37
Download Service
Memorial Service for Regina Dapolito
Teacher: Ross Durham
John 11:20-37
Download Service
December 17, 2017
Jesus' Glory No Longer Veiled
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 1:9-20
Jesus' Glory No Longer Veiled
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 1:9-20
December 10, 2017
Advent in Our America
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 1:9-20
Advent in Our America
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 1:9-20
December 3, 2017
Cracking the Conundrum of Christmas
Surprise and Wonder at Christmas
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 1:1-8
Cracking the Conundrum of Christmas
Surprise and Wonder at Christmas
Teacher: Ross Durham
Revelation 1:1-8
November 26, 2017
Missions Month: A Holy Ambition
Mission Sharing: Cathy Durham, Grace Hill Mission Committee
Teacher: Aaron Carr
Romans 15:18-24
Missions Month: A Holy Ambition
Mission Sharing: Cathy Durham, Grace Hill Mission Committee
Teacher: Aaron Carr
Romans 15:18-24
November 19, 2017
Missions Month: Aspiring to the Greatest Title and Position
Mission Sharing: Nicole Daniels, Esq., of Justice Matters
Teacher: Daniel Peterson, Area Director of Younglife Hillsborough
Missions Month: Aspiring to the Greatest Title and Position
Mission Sharing: Nicole Daniels, Esq., of Justice Matters
Teacher: Daniel Peterson, Area Director of Younglife Hillsborough
November 12, 2017
Missions Month: From Mourners to Missionaries
Mission Sharing: David Barr, Joseph Barr, Isaac Musser, Ben Musser, Lorene Parks, Robyn Musser
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Jeremiah 29:1-7
Missions Month: From Mourners to Missionaries
Mission Sharing: David Barr, Joseph Barr, Isaac Musser, Ben Musser, Lorene Parks, Robyn Musser
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Jeremiah 29:1-7
November 5, 2017
Missions Month: We are Compelled to Share the Gospel
Mission Sharing: Ann & Alistair Bradley
Teacher: Adam Barr
John 15:16
Missions Month: We are Compelled to Share the Gospel
Mission Sharing: Ann & Alistair Bradley
Teacher: Adam Barr
John 15:16
October 29, 2017
Continuing and Finishing Faith Well
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 28:1-8; 27:27-29; 12:1-4
Continuing and Finishing Faith Well
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 28:1-8; 27:27-29; 12:1-4

sermon_10.29.17.m4a |
October 22, 2017
Hope for a Terrible Family
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 26:34-27:29, 27:41-46
Hope for a Terrible Family
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 26:34-27:29, 27:41-46
October 15, 2017
Christ Fulfills the Promise for Us
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Genesis 26
Christ Fulfills the Promise for Us
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Genesis 26
October 8, 2017
Food as Disordered Loves
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 25: 19-34
Food as Disordered Loves
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 25: 19-34
October 1, 2017
Against and Beyond the Natural
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 25: 1-6, 12-28
Against and Beyond the Natural
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 25: 1-6, 12-28
September 24, 2017
Abraham is Us in Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 25
Abraham is Us in Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 25
September 17, 2017
God's Providence is the Foundation
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 24
God's Providence is the Foundation
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 24
September 10, 2017
Faith in Sorrow can Achieve Great Ends
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 23
No sermon audio due to technical difficulties
Faith in Sorrow can Achieve Great Ends
Teacher: Ross Durham
Genesis 23
No sermon audio due to technical difficulties
September 3, 2017
Learning to Talk with God with Greater Intimacy and Boldness
Teacher: Ross Durham
Psalm 144
No sermon audio due to technical difficulties
Learning to Talk with God with Greater Intimacy and Boldness
Teacher: Ross Durham
Psalm 144
No sermon audio due to technical difficulties
August 27, 2017
I am Living in Christ's Story
Teacher: Ross Durham
Psalms 136
I am Living in Christ's Story
Teacher: Ross Durham
Psalms 136
August 20, 2017
Walk by the Spirit
Teacher: Adam Barr & Aaron Carr
Galatians 5:16-26
This week's recording volume starts low but becomes more audible at 1:12.
Walk by the Spirit
Teacher: Adam Barr & Aaron Carr
Galatians 5:16-26
This week's recording volume starts low but becomes more audible at 1:12.
August 13, 2017
Love that Satisfies
Teacher: Daniel Northrup
John 4:1-26
Love that Satisfies
Teacher: Daniel Northrup
John 4:1-26
Due to technical issues the recording starts during Daniel's intro where he describes learning his daughter might have cystic fibrosis.
August 8, 2017
World Upside Down
Teacher: Patrick Webb
1 Thessalonians 5:23-28
World Upside Down
Teacher: Patrick Webb
1 Thessalonians 5:23-28
July 23, 2017
Living in Light of the Day of the Lord
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Living in Light of the Day of the Lord
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
July 16, 2017
Death and Dying as an Easter People
Teacher: Patrick Webb
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Death and Dying as an Easter People
Teacher: Patrick Webb
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
July 9, 2017
The Grace of the Gospel in Our Work
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4:10-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12
The Grace of the Gospel in Our Work
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4:10-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12
July 2, 2017
Shining Holiness for God's People
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Shining Holiness for God's People
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
June 25, 2017
Love of Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4:9-10
Love of Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4:9-10
June 18, 2017
What Then is God's Desire for Us?
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4.1 - 8
What Then is God's Desire for Us?
Teacher: Ross Durham
1 Thessalonians 4.1 - 8
June 11, 2017
What Makes Paul's Heart Sing
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Thessalonians 3.6 - 13
What Makes Paul's Heart Sing
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Thessalonians 3.6 - 13
June 4, 2017
God's Purpose in Affliction
Teacher: Aaron Carr
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:5
Download Sermon
God's Purpose in Affliction
Teacher: Aaron Carr
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:5
Download Sermon
May 28, 2017
Receiving the Word of God
Teacher: Aaron Carr
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
Download Sermon
Receiving the Word of God
Teacher: Aaron Carr
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
Download Sermon
May 21, 2017
The Gospel Continues to Work
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Download Sermon
The Gospel Continues to Work
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Download Sermon
April 30, 2017
The Path Ahead is by Christian Faith
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Hebrews 11:1-12
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The Path Ahead is by Christian Faith
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Hebrews 11:1-12
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April 23, 2017
The True King of Wisdom: Solomon vs. Job
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Kings 3:3; 9:1-7; 11:1-13 Ezekiel 14:12-14; James 5:7-11
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The True King of Wisdom: Solomon vs. Job
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Kings 3:3; 9:1-7; 11:1-13 Ezekiel 14:12-14; James 5:7-11
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Easter Sunday - April 16, 2017
The Good News of Jesus is Surprising
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 10:1-8; 34-48
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The Good News of Jesus is Surprising
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 10:1-8; 34-48
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April 9, 2017
Job's Repentance, Our Repentance
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Job 40:3-8, 42:1-17
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Job's Repentance, Our Repentance
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Job 40:3-8, 42:1-17
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March 12, 2017
Job: His Friends Come to Help?
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Job 12.1 to 13.9.
Download Sermon
Job: His Friends Come to Help?
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Job 12.1 to 13.9.
Download Sermon
March 5, 2017
Job: How Much We Need the Cross of Christ, Sin is More Subtle Than We Think
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Job 1:1-16; 20-22; 2:1-10
Job: How Much We Need the Cross of Christ, Sin is More Subtle Than We Think
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Job 1:1-16; 20-22; 2:1-10
February 26, 2017
Proverbs: Jesus' Discipline Comes from Love and Leads to Life
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 3:11-12, 8:10-11, 12:1, 10:17, 13:1, 23:23, 13:24, 22:15, Hebrews 12:4-11, Revelation 3:14-22
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Proverbs: Jesus' Discipline Comes from Love and Leads to Life
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 3:11-12, 8:10-11, 12:1, 10:17, 13:1, 23:23, 13:24, 22:15, Hebrews 12:4-11, Revelation 3:14-22
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February 19, 2017
Proverbs: Accepting and Adhering to the Invitation
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 9:1-18
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Proverbs: Accepting and Adhering to the Invitation
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 9:1-18
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February 12, 2017
Proverbs: True Wealth Requires Faith
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 28:6, 22:1, 15:16-17, 8:18-19, 23:4-5, 11:7, 11:4, 28:8, 20:17, 21:6, 13:11, 21:17, 10:4-5, 6:1-5, 19:14, 13:22-23, 22:2, 11:24, 14:3, 19:17
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Proverbs: True Wealth Requires Faith
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 28:6, 22:1, 15:16-17, 8:18-19, 23:4-5, 11:7, 11:4, 28:8, 20:17, 21:6, 13:11, 21:17, 10:4-5, 6:1-5, 19:14, 13:22-23, 22:2, 11:24, 14:3, 19:17
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February 5, 2017
Proverbs: Security
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 18:10-11, 11:28, 28:25-26, 1:33, 3:21-26, 10:25, 28:1, 11:15, 14:26-27, 30:5
Proverbs: Security
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Proverbs 18:10-11, 11:28, 28:25-26, 1:33, 3:21-26, 10:25, 28:1, 11:15, 14:26-27, 30:5
January 29, 2017
Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: 1 Kings 3:3-15
Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: 1 Kings 3:3-15
January 15, 2017
Entrusting is a Part in the Work of Redemption
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Entrusting is a Part in the Work of Redemption
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
January 8, 2017-Snow Sunday
A Simple, Pocket-Sized Summary of How We Are To Live The Christian Life
Text: 1 Timothy 6:11
A Simple, Pocket-Sized Summary of How We Are To Live The Christian Life
Text: 1 Timothy 6:11
January 1, 2017
All Things New: The Good News of the Gospel
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Isaiah 61:1-11
All Things New: The Good News of the Gospel
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Isaiah 61:1-11
December 18, 2016
Christmas is the Beginning of Power
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 1:1-17
Christmas is the Beginning of Power
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 1:1-17
December 11, 2016
Finding Grace in Christmas Gifts
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 1:1-15, 5:15-17
Finding Grace in Christmas Gifts
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 1:1-15, 5:15-17
December 4, 2016
The Breadth and Depth of Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 1:1-7
The Breadth and Depth of Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 1:1-7
November 27, 2016
"I Am With You" Teacher: Ross Durham Text: Matthew 28:16-20 |
Month of Missions: The Adam's in Taiwan Randy and Janet Adams |
November 20, 2016
Why Are The Disciples Even Here? Teacher: Ross Durham Text: Matthew 26:30-46 Sermon Audio |
November 13, 2016
What short-circuits our "Sentness"? With a 7 minute introduction on how to respond to the election. Teacher: Ross Durham Text: Matthew 23:1-12, 25-26, 37 and 10:1, 5-10 Sermon Audio |
November 6, 2016
We are sent to bear good fruit Teacher: Ross Durham Text: Matthew 13:24-30, 7:15-20, 21:33-46 Sermon Audio |
October 30, 2016
We are invited to the Wedding Banquet!
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 22:1-14
Sermon Audio
We are invited to the Wedding Banquet!
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 22:1-14
Sermon Audio
October 23, 2016
Christ's Miracles
Teacher: Mike Musser
Text: Matthew 8:23-27, 9:1-8, and 9:18-26
Sermon Audio
Christ's Miracles
Teacher: Mike Musser
Text: Matthew 8:23-27, 9:1-8, and 9:18-26
Sermon Audio
October 9, 2016
Series in Matthew: The Power of Parables
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 19:1-12
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Series in Matthew: The Power of Parables
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 19:1-12
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October 2, 2016
Series in Matthew: The Power of Parables
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 13:24-30; 13:36-43
Sermon Audio
Series in Matthew: The Power of Parables
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 13:24-30; 13:36-43
Sermon Audio
September 25, 2016
Jesus Calls Us to Follow
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9-13, 8:18-22
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Jesus Calls Us to Follow
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9-13, 8:18-22
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September 18, 2016
Series in Matthew: Christ Work Of Redemption and His Heart for Truth, Grace, and Mission
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5-23, 26-33. 40
Sermon Audio
Series in Matthew: Christ Work Of Redemption and His Heart for Truth, Grace, and Mission
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5-23, 26-33. 40
Sermon Audio
September 11, 2016
Jesus' Work of Redemption even at the very beginning of his Ministry
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 3:13 - 4:11
No Sermon Audio
Jesus' Work of Redemption even at the very beginning of his Ministry
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 3:13 - 4:11
No Sermon Audio
September 4, 2016
...for the Glory of Christ.
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalms 8:3-5, Romans 1:22-23, Romans 3:22-23, 1 Peter 1:24-25, Hebrews 1:1-4, Hebrews 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20,
1 Corinthians 10:31-33, Philippians 3:20
Sermon Audio
...for the Glory of Christ.
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalms 8:3-5, Romans 1:22-23, Romans 3:22-23, 1 Peter 1:24-25, Hebrews 1:1-4, Hebrews 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20,
1 Corinthians 10:31-33, Philippians 3:20
Sermon Audio
August 28, 2016
...for the Love of Christ.
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 5:6-11, Ephesians 5:1-2, 1 John 4:10-12, 1 John 2:15, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Jude 20-21, 2 Corinthans 5:14-15
Sermon Audio
...for the Love of Christ.
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 5:6-11, Ephesians 5:1-2, 1 John 4:10-12, 1 John 2:15, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Jude 20-21, 2 Corinthans 5:14-15
Sermon Audio
July 31, 2016
What We Do and Why We Worship
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalms 100, Acts 2.42-47
Sermon Audio
What We Do and Why We Worship
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalms 100, Acts 2.42-47
Sermon Audio
July 24, 2016
We Know Jesus Through Four Gospels
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: multiple passages from the Gospels
Sermon Audio
We Know Jesus Through Four Gospels
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: multiple passages from the Gospels
Sermon Audio
July 17, 2016
Jesus and His Mission as "Excessive Gifts"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: multiple passages from the Gospels
Sermon Audio
Jesus and His Mission as "Excessive Gifts"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: multiple passages from the Gospels
Sermon Audio
July 10, 2016
Jesus and His Mission in Terms of "Love"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: multiple passages from the Gospels
Sermon Audio
Jesus and His Mission in Terms of "Love"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: multiple passages from the Gospels
Sermon Audio
July 3, 2016
Jesus' Mission in Terms of "Banquet"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 2.1-11, Lk 22.28-30
Sermon Audio
Jesus' Mission in Terms of "Banquet"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 2.1-11, Lk 22.28-30
Sermon Audio
June 26, 2016
The Gospel In a Secular Age: An Exhortation
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Romans 12:1-2
Sermon Audio
The Gospel In a Secular Age: An Exhortation
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Romans 12:1-2
Sermon Audio
June 19, 2016
God Enlarging Our Gospel Hearts
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:15-23
Sermon Audio
God Enlarging Our Gospel Hearts
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:15-23
Sermon Audio
June 12, 2016
The Deal of a Lifetime
Teacher: Warren Harvey, Senior Pastor at Ambassador Presbyterian in Apex, NC
Text: Matthew 13:44-46
Sermon Audio
The Deal of a Lifetime
Teacher: Warren Harvey, Senior Pastor at Ambassador Presbyterian in Apex, NC
Text: Matthew 13:44-46
Sermon Audio
June 5, 2016
Difficult Work of Mission in the World
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 17:22-27
Sermon Audio
Difficult Work of Mission in the World
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 17:22-27
Sermon Audio
May 29, 2016
Tradition, Scripture, and Our Hearts
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 15:1-14
Sermon Audio (note: audio quality improves after a few minutes)
Tradition, Scripture, and Our Hearts
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 15:1-14
Sermon Audio (note: audio quality improves after a few minutes)
May 1, 2016
Understanding and Using Types in the Bible
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Corinthians 10.1-12
Sermon Audio
Understanding and Using Types in the Bible
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Corinthians 10.1-12
Sermon Audio
April 24, 2016
The 9th Commandment: Impossibly Simple
Teacher: Mike Musser
Text: Exodus 20.16, Psalms 15
Sermon Audio
The 9th Commandment: Impossibly Simple
Teacher: Mike Musser
Text: Exodus 20.16, Psalms 15
Sermon Audio
Ten Commandments
March 20, 2016
Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Luke 19.28-44
Sermon Audio
Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done
Teacher: Patrick Webb
Text: Luke 19.28-44
Sermon Audio
March 13, 2016
6th Commandment: You Shall Not Murder
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.13, Galatians 5.19-25
Sermon Audio: Technical Difficulties
Experimental: 10 minutes Sermon Summary
6th Commandment: You Shall Not Murder
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.13, Galatians 5.19-25
Sermon Audio: Technical Difficulties
Experimental: 10 minutes Sermon Summary
March 6, 2016
5th Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.8-11; Deut. 5.12-15
Sermon Audio
5th Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.8-11; Deut. 5.12-15
Sermon Audio
February 7, 2016
The First Commandment
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.1-3; Deut. 5.6-7
Sermon Audio
The First Commandment
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.1-3; Deut. 5.6-7
Sermon Audio
January 31, 2016
The Prologue to the 10 Commandments
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.1-2; Deut 5.1-6
Sermon Audio
The Prologue to the 10 Commandments
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.1-2; Deut 5.1-6
Sermon Audio
The good news is to be shared to all
January 17, 2016
"Our Title in Communicating the Gospel"
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Cor 5.11-21
Sermon Audio
"Our Title in Communicating the Gospel"
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Cor 5.11-21
Sermon Audio
January 3, 2016
"The Greatest Gift....Now What?"
Teachers: Ross Green
Text: 2 Corinthians 5.14-15, Acts 1.8, Mt 28.18-20, Jn 3.16-18, Rev 4.9-10, Rev 5.1-6
Sermon Audio
"The Greatest Gift....Now What?"
Teachers: Ross Green
Text: 2 Corinthians 5.14-15, Acts 1.8, Mt 28.18-20, Jn 3.16-18, Rev 4.9-10, Rev 5.1-6
Sermon Audio
Advent 2015
December 27, 2015
The New Normal/The Family of Jesus
Teachers: Mike Musser/Andy Lowe
Text: Luke 2.39-52
Sermon Audio
The New Normal/The Family of Jesus
Teachers: Mike Musser/Andy Lowe
Text: Luke 2.39-52
Sermon Audio
November 29, 2015
The Unlikeliest
Teachers: Mike Musser
Text: Luke 1.5-23
Sermon Audio (partial recording)
The Unlikeliest
Teachers: Mike Musser
Text: Luke 1.5-23
Sermon Audio (partial recording)
Faith: The Life of Abraham
November 22, 2015
The Faithful, Full Life with God
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 22.1-19
Sermon Audio
The Faithful, Full Life with God
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 22.1-19
Sermon Audio
November 15, 2015
God Fulfills His Promises
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 21.1-14, 20-21
Sermon Audio
God Fulfills His Promises
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 21.1-14, 20-21
Sermon Audio
November 1, 2015
Reading with Faith and Faithfulness
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 19.3-12
Sermon Audio
Reading with Faith and Faithfulness
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 19.3-12
Sermon Audio
October 18, 2015
When We Don't Wait for Promises
Teachers: Ross Green
Text: Genesis 16.1-16
Sermon Audio
When We Don't Wait for Promises
Teachers: Ross Green
Text: Genesis 16.1-16
Sermon Audio
September 27, 2015
Faith in God's Promise Produces Generosity
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 13.2-18
Sermon Audio
Faith in God's Promise Produces Generosity
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 13.2-18
Sermon Audio
September 20, 2015
The Work of Maturing Faith in Abraham
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 12.10-13.4
Sermon Audio
The Work of Maturing Faith in Abraham
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 12.10-13.4
Sermon Audio
September 13, 2015
The Promise and Call to Abraham
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 11.27-12.9
Sermon Audio
The Promise and Call to Abraham
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 11.27-12.9
Sermon Audio
September 6, 2015
The Character of Gospel Community
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Colossians 4.7-18
Sermon Audio
The Character of Gospel Community
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Colossians 4.7-18
Sermon Audio
August 23, 2015
Prayer Drives the Wheel in Real Life
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Colossians 4.2-6
Sermon Audio
Prayer Drives the Wheel in Real Life
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Colossians 4.2-6
Sermon Audio
August 9, 2015
God's Call in Marriage
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Colossians 3.18-19; Genesis 1.27-28, 2.18, 22-25
Sermon Audio
God's Call in Marriage
Teachers: Ross Durham
Text: Colossians 3.18-19; Genesis 1.27-28, 2.18, 22-25
Sermon Audio
July 12, 2015
Setting Our Hearts and Minds on Heaven
Teachers: David Kim and Andy Lowe
Text: Colossians 3.1-11
Sermon Audio
Setting Our Hearts and Minds on Heaven
Teachers: David Kim and Andy Lowe
Text: Colossians 3.1-11
Sermon Audio
May 30, 2015
Please check back for audio
Please check back for audio
May 17, 2015
Christ's Work of Redeeming All
Teacher: Ross Green, Christy Malott, Andy Lowe
Text: Matthew 25.31-46
Sermon Audio
Christ's Work of Redeeming All
Teacher: Ross Green, Christy Malott, Andy Lowe
Text: Matthew 25.31-46
Sermon Audio
April 19, 2015
The Unhindered Life of Mission
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 27.12-15, 21-26; 28.16-31
Sermon Audio
The Unhindered Life of Mission
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 27.12-15, 21-26; 28.16-31
Sermon Audio
March 29, 2015
Paul's Journey, Our Journey
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 13.1-5; 18.5-11; 27.23-26; 23.10-11
Sermon Audio
Paul's Journey, Our Journey
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 13.1-5; 18.5-11; 27.23-26; 23.10-11
Sermon Audio
March 15, 2015
Paul's Sin, Our Sin
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 22.3-5; Acts 7.58-8.3; Gal 1.13-17; Acts 26.9-11
Sermon Audio
Paul's Sin, Our Sin
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Acts 22.3-5; Acts 7.58-8.3; Gal 1.13-17; Acts 26.9-11
Sermon Audio
February 8, 2015
The Hard Word of Two Ways
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 7.13-14, 21-23
Sermon Audio
The Hard Word of Two Ways
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 7.13-14, 21-23
Sermon Audio
January 4, 2015
Three Practices from Jesus for the New Year
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 6.1-18
Sermon Audio
Three Practices from Jesus for the New Year
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 6.1-18
Sermon Audio
December 14, 2014
The Difficulty of the Birth of Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 2.19-23
Sermon Audio
The Difficulty of the Birth of Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 2.19-23
Sermon Audio
November 30, 2014
The Coming of Jesus
Teacher: Andy Lowe, David Kim, Mike Musser, Ross Green
Text: Matthew 1.18-25
Sermon Audio
The Coming of Jesus
Teacher: Andy Lowe, David Kim, Mike Musser, Ross Green
Text: Matthew 1.18-25
Sermon Audio
September 28, 2014
God's Intention is Deeper: Sexuality
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.27-30
Sermon Audio
God's Intention is Deeper: Sexuality
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.27-30
Sermon Audio
September 21, 2014
God's Intention is Deeper: Anger
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.21-26
Sermon Audio
God's Intention is Deeper: Anger
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.21-26
Sermon Audio
September 7, 2014
Our Hearts in Cultural Engagement
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalm 73.1-28
Sermon Audio
Our Hearts in Cultural Engagement
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalm 73.1-28
Sermon Audio
August 31, 2014
Prayer in Trial
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalm 3; 2 Samuel 15.10-14
Sermon Audio
Prayer in Trial
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Psalm 3; 2 Samuel 15.10-14
Sermon Audio
August 17, 2014
"Wise Friendship"
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Proverbs 27.9; 17.17; 27.6; 20.6; 18.24; 13.20; 25.17; 27.14; 26.18-19; 14.20; 17.18; 19.6
Sermon Audio
"Wise Friendship"
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Proverbs 27.9; 17.17; 27.6; 20.6; 18.24; 13.20; 25.17; 27.14; 26.18-19; 14.20; 17.18; 19.6
Sermon Audio
August 10, 2014
Wisdom and Our Emotions
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Proverbs 16.32, 17.27, 25.28, 29.11, 12.16
Sermon Audio
Wisdom and Our Emotions
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Proverbs 16.32, 17.27, 25.28, 29.11, 12.16
Sermon Audio
August 3, 2014
Our Ultimate Purpose
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.14-16; Exodus 9.16; Joshua 4.23-24; 1Corinthians 8.5-6; Isaiah 43.5-7; Isaiah 66.18-19; 1Corinthians 6.19-20; 1Corinthians 10.31-33
Sermon Audio
Our Ultimate Purpose
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.14-16; Exodus 9.16; Joshua 4.23-24; 1Corinthians 8.5-6; Isaiah 43.5-7; Isaiah 66.18-19; 1Corinthians 6.19-20; 1Corinthians 10.31-33
Sermon Audio
July 20, 2014
Jesus' View of the Truly Fortunate
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.1-12
Sermon Audio
Jesus' View of the Truly Fortunate
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 5.1-12
Sermon Audio
July 13, 2014
The Critical Beginning and Continuing
Teacher: Ross Du rham
Text: Matthew 5.1-12
Sermon Audio-due to a recording error, the last few minutes of this sermon are missing-we apologize.
The Critical Beginning and Continuing
Teacher: Ross Du rham
Text: Matthew 5.1-12
Sermon Audio-due to a recording error, the last few minutes of this sermon are missing-we apologize.
June 22, 2014
Uncommon Thoughts about Money
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1Chronicles 29.9-11, 1 Timothy 6.6-10, 17-19
Sermon Audio
Uncommon Thoughts about Money
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1Chronicles 29.9-11, 1 Timothy 6.6-10, 17-19
Sermon Audio
June 15, 2014
Sabbath Answers Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.8-11, Matthew 12.1-8
Sermon Audio
Sabbath Answers Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Exodus 20.8-11, Matthew 12.1-8
Sermon Audio
May 25, 2014
What is God's Word
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Peter 1.16-21, 1 Peter 1.10-12, 2 Peter 3.14-18
Sermon Audio
What is God's Word
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Peter 1.16-21, 1 Peter 1.10-12, 2 Peter 3.14-18
Sermon Audio
March 23, 2014
The Interview: Jesus and the Lord's Supper
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Luke 22.7-21
Sermon Audio
The Interview: Jesus and the Lord's Supper
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Luke 22.7-21
Sermon Audio
February 23, 2014
I Am the Foremost but Grace Over Abounds
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Timothy 1.12-17
Sermon Audio
I Am the Foremost but Grace Over Abounds
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Timothy 1.12-17
Sermon Audio
February 16, 2014
Saved Toward Our Past, Present and Future
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Titus 3.1-8
Sermon Audio
Saved Toward Our Past, Present and Future
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Titus 3.1-8
Sermon Audio
February 9, 2014
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: John 4.1-30, 39-42
Sermon Audio
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: John 4.1-30, 39-42
Sermon Audio
January 12, 2014
Faith and Knowledge that Results in Godliness, part 2
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Titus 1.5-16
Sermon Audio
Faith and Knowledge that Results in Godliness, part 2
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Titus 1.5-16
Sermon Audio
January 5, 2014
Faith and Knowledge that Results in Godliness
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Titus 1.1-4
Sermon Audio
Faith and Knowledge that Results in Godliness
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Titus 1.1-4
Sermon Audio
December 29, 2013
Engaging With the One Who Has Come
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 1.29-51
Sermon Audio
Engaging With the One Who Has Come
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 1.29-51
Sermon Audio
Faith in Daniel: the Grace Hill Vision 2013
Understanding Grace Better
October 6, 2013
Are We Skeptical about the Resurrection?
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.12-19
Sermon Audio
Are We Skeptical about the Resurrection?
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.12-19
Sermon Audio
Three Sermons that explore Our Three Themes this Academic Year: Grace, Justice, and New Life in Christ
September 1, 2013
Talking with Jesus; Following Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 3.1-17, 7.50, 19.38-42
Sermon Audio
Talking with Jesus; Following Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 3.1-17, 7.50, 19.38-42
Sermon Audio
August 18, 2013
Walking in the Grace We've Received
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Samuel 9.1-13, 16.1-4, 19.24-30
Sermon Audio
Walking in the Grace We've Received
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Samuel 9.1-13, 16.1-4, 19.24-30
Sermon Audio
Guest Preachers
The God of Justice Calls His People to Justice
July 21, 2013
Relationship of Generosity and Prudence
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Corinthians 9.1-15
Sermon Audio
Relationship of Generosity and Prudence
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 2 Corinthians 9.1-15
Sermon Audio
June 30, 2013
Justice Driven by God's Calling to This Place
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Jeremiah 29.1-14
Sermon Audio
Worship Guide
Justice Driven by God's Calling to This Place
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Jeremiah 29.1-14
Sermon Audio
Worship Guide
June 23, 2013
Justice Driven by Creation and Redemption
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 1.26-27; James 3.9-10; 1 Chronicles 29.10-13; Matthew 5.43-48; James 1.9-10; Deuteronomy 10.16-20
Sermon Audio
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Link to referenced Robert McCheyne sermon
Link to referenced Jonathan Edwards sermon
Justice Driven by Creation and Redemption
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Genesis 1.26-27; James 3.9-10; 1 Chronicles 29.10-13; Matthew 5.43-48; James 1.9-10; Deuteronomy 10.16-20
Sermon Audio
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Link to referenced Robert McCheyne sermon
Link to referenced Jonathan Edwards sermon
June 16, 2013
Justice Driven by Christ's New Economy
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Luke 14.1-24
Sermon Audio
Justice Driven by Christ's New Economy
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Luke 14.1-24
Sermon Audio
June 9, 2013
Justice Driven Integrally by God's Character
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Leviticus 19.1-18
Sermon Audio
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Worship Guide
Justice Driven Integrally by God's Character
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Leviticus 19.1-18
Sermon Audio
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Worship Guide
June 2, 2013
Justice Driven by Loving Kindness
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Micah 6.1-8
Sermon Audio
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Worship Guide
Justice Driven by Loving Kindness
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Micah 6.1-8
Sermon Audio
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Worship Guide
The Church and its Leaders
May 26, 2013
Abigail: A Lesson in Leadership
Teacher: Jerry Currin
Text: 1 Samuel 25.32-35
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Abigail: A Lesson in Leadership
Teacher: Jerry Currin
Text: 1 Samuel 25.32-35
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
May 19, 2013
Remaining, Keeping, and Producing
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 15.1-17
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Remaining, Keeping, and Producing
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: John 15.1-17
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
May 12, 2013
The Full Product of God's Loving Power
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 8.26 - 39
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Romans 8.26 - 39
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
May 5, 2013
Jesus' Temptation and Ours
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 4.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 4.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
April 28, 2013
Holding on to and Living All Three
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 9.35-10.25
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 9.35-10.25
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
April 21, 2013
Calling to the Position of "Overseer"
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Timothy 3.1-9, 1 Peter 5.1-5
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Timothy 3.1-9, 1 Peter 5.1-5
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
April 14, 2013
The Faith Jesus Grows
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 8.5-13
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Matthew 8.5-13
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
April 7, 2013
Rich Toward God
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Luke 12. 13-21
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Luke 12. 13-21
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
March 31, 2013
March 24, 2013
Idolatry: Israelites, Corinthians, and Us
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Corinthians 10.1-22
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: 1 Corinthians 10.1-22
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
March 17, 2013
Our Problem is Idolatry
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Isaiah 44.12-20, 1-5, 21-23
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Isaiah 44.12-20, 1-5, 21-23
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
March 10, 2013
Radical Relationship with Money
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 4.10-23
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 4.10-23
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
March 3, 2013
The Gospel Redeems Our Emotions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 4.1-9
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 4.1-9
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
February 24, 2013
God's Vision for Us in Christ
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 3.12-21
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 3.12-21
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
February 17, 2013
Finding and Growing Joy in Jesus
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 3.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 3.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
February 10, 2013
Sorry no audio due to technical difficulties.
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
February 3, 2013
Hope for Change
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Ezekiel 18.1-4
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ken Woo
Text: Ezekiel 18.1-4
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
January 27, 2013
Resources to Do Important Commands
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Phillipians 2.12-18
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Phillipians 2.12-18
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
January 20, 2013
How God Speaks Imperatives
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 2.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 2.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
January 13, 2013
A Most Powerful Perspective
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 1.12-30
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 1.12-30
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
January 6, 2013
Foundations for a Faithful Church
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 1.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Philippians 1.1-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions
Advent 2012
December 30, 2012
Stop being childish, it's Christmastime!
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Text: Galatians 4:1-7, 21-31
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Text: Galatians 4:1-7, 21-31
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
December 23, 2012
The True Spiritual King
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Isaiah 11.1-10, Matt 4.12-17, 2.10-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Text: Isaiah 11.1-10, Matt 4.12-17, 2.10-11
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
December 16, 2012
Grasping Hold of God-Sized Hope
Text: Isiah 9.1-7, Matt 4.12-17, Luke 2.10-11
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflective Questions
Text: Isiah 9.1-7, Matt 4.12-17, Luke 2.10-11
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship Guide
Small Group/Personal Reflective Questions
December 9, 2012
Understanding God's Word and Our Lives
Text: Luke 1. 26-38
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 1. 26-38
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
December 2, 2012
Doing Advent Well
Text: Isiah 1.1-20, 2.1-15
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship guide
Small group questions
Text: Isiah 1.1-20, 2.1-15
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Worship guide
Small group questions
November 25, 2012
The Pathway from Pride to Praise
Text: Daniel 4.24-37
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Daniel 4.24-37
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
November 11, 2012
November 4, 2012
Jesus Brings the Kingdom
Text: Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
October 28, 2012
Critical Spiritual Concerns, Acted Out
Text: Luke 18.9-14
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 18.9-14
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
October 21, 2012
Living Faithful Persistence in Prayer
Text: Luke 18.1-8
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 18.1-8
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
October 14, 2012
How the Father Greets Us in Prayer
Text: Luke 11.1-13
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 11.1-13
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
October 7, 2012
What is Really Valuable?
Text: Luke 16.19-31
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 16.19-31
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
September 30, 2012
Jesus Calls Me to Shrewdness?
Text: Luke 16.1-13
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 16.1-13
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
September 23, 2012
September 16, 2012
September 9, 2012
September 2, 2012
August 26, 2012
Being His People of Living Water
Text: John 7:37-44
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: John 7:37-44
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
August 19, 2012
Baptism and the Resurection
Text: Mathew 3:11-17
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Mathew 3:11-17
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
August 12, 2012
The Illusion of Upward Mobility
Text: Matthew 19.16-30
Teacher: Ken Woo
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Matthew 19.16-30
Teacher: Ken Woo
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
August 5, 2012
Jesus Calling His Disciples to Follow
July 29, 2012
July 22, 2012
July 15, 2012
July 8, 2012
Jesus' Question and Call
Text: Luke 9.18-36
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 9.18-36
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
July 1, 2012
Why Give Thanks Anyway?
Text: Luke 17.1-19
Teacher: Rev. Chris Garret
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 17.1-19
Teacher: Rev. Chris Garret
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
June 24, 2012
Jesus on the Streets: Using, Confronting, or Following Jesus
June 17, 2012
Jesus Enters Our Lives and Calls
Text: Luke 5.1-11, 27-32
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 5.1-11, 27-32
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
June 10, 2012
Jesus' Priorities, Jesus' Call
Text: Luke 8.26-39
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 8.26-39
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
June 3, 2012
May 27, 2012
Affirming Jesus' Authority
Text: Luke 20.1-8, 19-40
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 20.1-8, 19-40
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
May 20, 2012
Claiming Jesus on Your Side
Text: Luke 12.13-34
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Luke 12.13-34
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Living in the True Story: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Glory
May 13, 2012
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
May 6, 2012
The Challenge of the Resurrection
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.50-58
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.50-58
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
April 29, 2012
The How and Hope of the Resurrection
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.35-49
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.35-49
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
April 22, 2012
A Whole Harvest of Resurrection
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.20-28
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.20-28
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
April 15, 2012
The Necessity of the Resurrection
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.12-19, 29-34
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: 1 Corinthians 15.12-19, 29-34
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
April 8, 2012
April 6, 2012
April 1, 2012
We Live in His Great Story
Text: Psalm 105, Deuteronomy 26.1-10
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Psalm 105, Deuteronomy 26.1-10
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
March 25, 2012
Is Our Darkness the Last Word?
Text: Psalm 51
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Psalm 51
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
March 18, 2012
"Prone to Wander"
Text: 2 Samuel 11.1-17, 12.1-7
Teacher: Daniel Mason (UNC RUF)
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: 2 Samuel 11.1-17, 12.1-7
Teacher: Daniel Mason (UNC RUF)
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
March 11, 2012
Fall: How are We Broken?
Text: Genesis 3.1-13
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Genesis 3.1-13
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
March 4, 2012
February 26, 2012
Creation: Seeing God’s Glory
Text: Psalm 104
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Text: Psalm 104
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Jonah: Understanding God's Heart
February 19, 2012
February 12, 2012
February 5, 2012
Teacher: Bill James
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
January 29, 2012
January 22, 2012
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
January 15, 2012
January 8, 2012
Preparing for His Coming: Advent 2011
December 18, 2011
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
December 11, 2011
December 4, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: The Surprising Way He Comes
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
Title: The Surprising Way He Comes
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download)
November 27, 2011
Proverbs: Wisdom for Real Life
November 20, 2011
November 13, 2011
Title: Is there a Silver Bullet in Parenting?
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
November 6, 2011
Title: Speech, the Word and Wisdom
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
Title: Speech, the Word and Wisdom
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
October 30, 2011
Title: Death and Life
Teacher: Ross Durham
*Sermon recording unavailable due to technical difficulties*
Title: Death and Life
Teacher: Ross Durham
*Sermon recording unavailable due to technical difficulties*
October 23, 2011
October 16, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: Creation is Good, We Distort
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
Title: Creation is Good, We Distort
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
October 9, 2011
October 2, 2011
September 25, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: Switched
Teacher: Nathan Scholl
*Sermon recording unavailable due to technical difficulties*
Title: Switched
Teacher: Nathan Scholl
*Sermon recording unavailable due to technical difficulties*
September 18, 2011
Mission and Conversion in Acts
September 11, 2011
September 4, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: How well are we Living "With God"? (Acts 1.1-8; 11.1-5, 11-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
Title: How well are we Living "With God"? (Acts 1.1-8; 11.1-5, 11-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
August 28, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: Jesus' Glory in Witness (Acts 9:1-22)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
Title: Jesus' Glory in Witness (Acts 9:1-22)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
August 21, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: God's Heart for Witness (Acts 8:26-40)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download MP3)
Title: God's Heart for Witness (Acts 8:26-40)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right click to download MP3)
August 14, 2011
Worship Guide
Title: Stephen and the Three Faces of the Church (Acts 6: 1-12; 7: 1-3, 54-60)
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download audio)
Title: Stephen and the Three Faces of the Church (Acts 6: 1-12; 7: 1-3, 54-60)
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right click to download audio)
August 7, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Finding Help for Stress and Pressure (Acts 4. 23 - 31)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Finding Help for Stress and Pressure (Acts 4. 23 - 31)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
July 31, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Why We Find Witness Challenging (Acts 4. 1-22)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Why We Find Witness Challenging (Acts 4. 1-22)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
July 24, 2011
Worship guide
Title: The Spirit of Jesus Empowers Witness (Acts 2:1-15, 36-39)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Spirit of Jesus Empowers Witness (Acts 2:1-15, 36-39)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
July 17, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Jesus' Plan for His Disciples and His Church (Acts 1:1-11)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Jesus' Plan for His Disciples and His Church (Acts 1:1-11)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
July 10, 2011
Galatians: the Glory of the Gospel of Jesus
July 3, 2011
Worship guide
Title: The Gospel Compared to Religion (Galatians 6:11-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Gospel Compared to Religion (Galatians 6:11-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
June 26, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Spiritual Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:6-10)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Spiritual Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:6-10)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
June 19, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Hearing, Accepting, Producing (Mark 4:1-20)
Teacher: Bill James
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
Title: Hearing, Accepting, Producing (Mark 4:1-20)
Teacher: Bill James
Sermon Audio (right click to download mp3)
June 12, 2011
Worship guide
Title: The Law of Christ: Bearing One Another's Burdens (Galatians 6:1-5)
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Law of Christ: Bearing One Another's Burdens (Galatians 6:1-5)
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
June 5, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Free to Grow (Galatians 5:16-26)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free to Grow (Galatians 5:16-26)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 29, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Free From the Flesh (Galatians 5:16-26)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free From the Flesh (Galatians 5:16-26)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 22, 2011
Worship guide
Title: When You Pray (Matthew 6:5-13)
Teacher: Dr. Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: When You Pray (Matthew 6:5-13)
Teacher: Dr. Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 15, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Problems with Freedom (Galatians 5:1-15)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Problems with Freedom (Galatians 5:1-15)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 8, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Belonging (Galatians 4:21-31)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Belonging (Galatians 4:21-31)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 1, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Jesus Math: Addition Doesn't Work (Galatians 4:8-20)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Jesus Math: Addition Doesn't Work (Galatians 4:8-20)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
April 24, 2011 - Easter Sunday
Worship guide
Title: We Can Believe and We Can be Changed (Matthew 27:62-28:20)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Worship service audio
Title: We Can Believe and We Can be Changed (Matthew 27:62-28:20)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Worship service audio
April 22, 2011 - Good Friday
Worship guide
Title: We Need a Priest (Matthew 27:3-10)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Worship service audio
Title: We Need a Priest (Matthew 27:3-10)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Worship service audio
April 17, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Lavish Personal Worship (Matthew 26:1-16)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Lavish Personal Worship (Matthew 26:1-16)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
April 10, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Understanding Jesus' Full Identity (Matthew 16:13-24)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Understanding Jesus' Full Identity (Matthew 16:13-24)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
April 3, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Our Greatest Need (Mark 2:1-12)
Teacher: Dan Layman
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Our Greatest Need (Mark 2:1-12)
Teacher: Dan Layman
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Nehemiah: Beyond Resolutions, Doing Important Things that Matter
Winter 2011
March 27, 2011
Worship guide
Title: When Our Story Isn't Going Well (Nehemiah 13)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: When Our Story Isn't Going Well (Nehemiah 13)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
March 20, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Dancing at the Dedication, Praying at the Party (Nehemiah 12:27-47)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Dancing at the Dedication, Praying at the Party (Nehemiah 12:27-47)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
March 13, 2011
Worship guide
Title: The Promise We Need (Nehemiah 9:38, 10:1, 28-39)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Promise We Need (Nehemiah 9:38, 10:1, 28-39)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
March 6, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Solving the Big Problem in the Big Story (Nehemiah 9:1-3, 6-19, 32-33)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Solving the Big Problem in the Big Story (Nehemiah 9:1-3, 6-19, 32-33)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
February 27, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Now the Community Needs to be Rebuilt (Nehemiah 8:1-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Now the Community Needs to be Rebuilt (Nehemiah 8:1-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
February 20, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Navigating True and False Words (Nehemiah 6:1-19, 7:1-2)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Navigating True and False Words (Nehemiah 6:1-19, 7:1-2)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
February 13, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Killing the Red Lizard (Ephesians 4:17-24)
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Killing the Red Lizard (Ephesians 4:17-24)
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
February 6, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Financial Shalom for Individuals and Community (Nehemiah 5:1-11, 14-19)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Financial Shalom for Individuals and Community (Nehemiah 5:1-11, 14-19)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
January 30, 2011
Worship guide
Title: The Refuge and Resiliency of Prayer (Nehemiah 4:1-16)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Refuge and Resiliency of Prayer (Nehemiah 4:1-16)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
January 23, 2011
January 16, 2011
January 9, 2011
Worship guide
Title: True Faith Cares, Prays, Acts (Nehemiah 1)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: True Faith Cares, Prays, Acts (Nehemiah 1)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Advent Series 2010 (Remembering and Connecting to Jesus' Arrival)
January 2, 2011
Worship guide
Title: Jesus is Also Our King (Matthew 2:13-23)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Jesus is Also Our King (Matthew 2:13-23)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
December 19, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Another Christmas Story (Philippians 2:1-11)
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Another Christmas Story (Philippians 2:1-11)
Teacher: Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
December 12, 2010
Worship guide
Title: The Christmas Season: a Search for Christ (Matthew 2:1-12)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Christmas Season: a Search for Christ (Matthew 2:1-12)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
December 5, 2010
Title: Jesus' Coming Creates Surprises (Matthew 1:1-17)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
November 28, 2010
Worship guide
Title: How to Prepare for the Christmas Season (Isaiah 9:1-7)
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: How to Prepare for the Christmas Season (Isaiah 9:1-7)
Teacher: Chris Garrett
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Fall 2010
Free to Follow Jesus (Galatians)
November 21, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Rejoicing as Free Sons (and Inheriting Daughters) of God (Galatians 3:26-4:7)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
'Orphans or children of God' diagram
Title: Rejoicing as Free Sons (and Inheriting Daughters) of God (Galatians 3:26-4:7)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
'Orphans or children of God' diagram
November 14, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Free to Believe This Promiser (Galatians 3:15-25)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free to Believe This Promiser (Galatians 3:15-25)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
November 7, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Free from the Curse of Striving (Galatians 3:10-14)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free from the Curse of Striving (Galatians 3:10-14)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
October 31, 2010
Worship guide
Title: God Gives Us the Designation of "Right by Faith" (Galatians 3:6-9)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Oops! We missed recording the first half of this sermon, but this is the bit we did record.
Title: God Gives Us the Designation of "Right by Faith" (Galatians 3:6-9)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Oops! We missed recording the first half of this sermon, but this is the bit we did record.
October 24, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Remember Who You Are (Luke 16:1-9)
Teacher: Rev. Stephen Crotts
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Remember Who You Are (Luke 16:1-9)
Teacher: Rev. Stephen Crotts
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
October 17, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Free to Experience God (Galatians 3:1-5)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free to Experience God (Galatians 3:1-5)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
October 10, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Freely Made to Matter (Galatians 2:15-21)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Freely Made to Matter (Galatians 2:15-21)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
October 3, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Free to be Hypocrites (Galatians 2:11-14)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free to be Hypocrites (Galatians 2:11-14)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
September 26, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Free to Risk (Galatians 2:1-10)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free to Risk (Galatians 2:1-10)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
September 19, 2010
September 12, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Free to Change (Galatians 1:13-24)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Free to Change (Galatians 1:13-24)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Summer 2010
The Challenges and Call of Truth, Mercy and Order
September 5, 2010
Worship guide
Title: The Gift of Truth (Acts 17:16-28)
Teacher: Dr. Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Gift of Truth (Acts 17:16-28)
Teacher: Dr. Chris Lundberg
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
August 29, 2010
Worship guide
Title: The Call and Challenges of Using Our Gifts (Romans 12:1-8)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Call and Challenges of Using Our Gifts (Romans 12:1-8)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
August 22, 2010
Title: Finding Good Order (Exodus 18:1-27)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
August 15, 2010
Worship guide
Title: Don't Waste Time in Worship
Teacher: Stephen Cotts
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Don't Waste Time in Worship
Teacher: Stephen Cotts
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
August 8, 2010
Title: Putting the "Me" in Mephibosheth
Teacher: Sean Radke
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Teacher: Sean Radke
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
August 1, 2010
Worship guide
Series: The Challenges and Call of Truth, Mercy and Order
Title: Can't Live Without Intermediaries (Luke 10:25-37)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Sermon Excerpt
Series: The Challenges and Call of Truth, Mercy and Order
Title: Can't Live Without Intermediaries (Luke 10:25-37)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Sermon Excerpt
July 25, 2010
Worship guide
Series: The Challenges and Call Truth, Mercy and Order
Title: A Story for Our Healing
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Series: The Challenges and Call Truth, Mercy and Order
Title: A Story for Our Healing
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Summer 2010
Jesus' Church for Today
July 18, 2010
Worship guide
Series: Jesus' Church for Today
Title: Oh, What an Intimate Love (Ephesians 5:18-33)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Series: Jesus' Church for Today
Title: Oh, What an Intimate Love (Ephesians 5:18-33)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
July 11, 2010
Series: Jesus' Church for Today
Title: Strong is Truth in Love (Ephesians 4:7-16)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: Strong is Truth in Love (Ephesians 4:7-16)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
July 4, 2010
Series: Jesus' Church for Today
Title: What the church is for (Ephesians 3:6-13, 20-21)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: What the church is for (Ephesians 3:6-13, 20-21)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
June 27, 2010
Series: Jesus' Church for Today
Title: A Community of the Reconciled (Ephesians 2:14-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Service Audio
Title: A Community of the Reconciled (Ephesians 2:14-18)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Service Audio
June 20, 2010
Series: Jesus' Church for Today
Title: The Church with Jesus as its Head (Ephesians 1:15-23)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title: The Church with Jesus as its Head (Ephesians 1:15-23)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Spring 2010
Doing Great Good: The Life of Joseph
June 6, 2010
Series: Doing Great Good: The Life of Joseph
Title/Text: Faith and Reconciliation (Genesis 50:15-26)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title/Text: Faith and Reconciliation (Genesis 50:15-26)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 30, 2010
Series: Doing Great Good: The Life of Joseph
Title/Text: Blessings (Genesis 48:1-19)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title/Text: Blessings (Genesis 48:1-19)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 23, 2010
Series: Doing Great Good: The Life of Joseph
Title/Text: Making Things Right on Our End (Genesis 44)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title/Text: Making Things Right on Our End (Genesis 44)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
May 16, 2010
Series: Doing Great Good: The Life of Joseph
Title/Text: The Healing of Conflict (Genesis 41:50-52, 42)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Complete service audio
Title/Text: The Healing of Conflict (Genesis 41:50-52, 42)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Complete service audio
May 9, 2010
Series: Doing Great Good:The Life of Joseph
Title/Text: Receiving and Giving Answers (Genesis 40-41)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Complete service audio
Title/Text: Receiving and Giving Answers (Genesis 40-41)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Complete service audio
May 2, 2010
Series: Doing Great Good: The Life of Joseph
Title/Text: Strange but Fresh Answers (Genesis 39:1-23)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
Title/Text: Strange but Fresh Answers (Genesis 39:1-23)
Teacher: Ross Durham
Sermon Audio (right-click to download mp3)
That was a lot of scrolling, wasn't it?